We will be announcing the dates for WOLW25 very soon! In the meantime, have a look at some of the events and resources from our members, partners, and supporters from WOLW24. Many of these resources can be used at any time.

On this page you will find various events and resources from WCfOL members to help you make the most of Wales Outdoor Learning Week 2024.
In addition to scheduled events, we have created a programme of resources but most of these can be done on any day of the week.
Please note that some of the events shared are closed events, but they have been shared to celebrate them and also provide inspiration for your own events.
Don't forget to use #WalesOutdoorLearningWeek in your posts! Let's create momentum for learning outdoors!
Monday 22 April
Tuesday 23 April
Wednesday 24 April
Investigate an environmental crime
Thursday 25 April
Generation WILD
Generation Wild is a bespoke session
based around the story of a mysterious Bird Girl called Ava. The Journey begins in the classroom where the children are introduced to a young Osprey through a story.
The story ends with her being magically transformed into a bird girl.
Find out more about this session at the links below!
Friday 26 April
Saturday 27 April
Visit a Heritage Site!
CADW - Lifelong Learning
Why not celebrate Wales Outdoor Learning Week at some of Wales’s greatest playing and learning spaces – our heritage sites! Historic sites, be they staffed or unstaffed, are great to visit and can make a great extension to your school or home learning spaces.
Wildlife Walk
RSPB Conwy
Join our knowledgeable guides and discover the wonderful wildlife of RSPB Conwy. Receive expert commentary on all aspects of natural history, as they aim to spot 50 species in just a couple of hours!
Booking required. £4.00 per person (includes £1.00 booking fee). Entrance fees apply.
Sunday 28 April
Spring has sprung!
Birds are singing, bees are buzzing, and beautiful flowers are popping up all over the reserve! We’ll explore the magic of spring and get creative with some crafts too!
Booking essential. Members £7.00, non-members £9.00. No charge for adults (max. 2 adults per booking please).
Lambing at RSPB South Stack
Come and join us for an exciting experience meeting our lambs and their mum's, our Warden Denise and her dog Bo. Denise will tell you all about why we have rare breed Manx and Hebridean sheep here at RSPB South Stack and how they help us with our conservation work.
Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate expectant mothers at this event.